April 3, 2023

016: Embracing The Mess in the Midlife Turning Point With Kate Billing

Embrace midlife as an opportunity for self-awareness and transformation with Kate Billing on Raise 1000 Voices podcast.

Embracing the Mess in MidLife

Midlife. It’s a period of your life that can often be fraught with confusion, fear, and anxiety as you grapple with the realisation that life is not just about getting older but also making sure you really live along the way. 

For so many, this realisation leads to feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future – and yet it is in embracing the mess that comes with processing big life changes that we find the deepest, most resonant clarity for want we want from ourselves, and our lives – the Midlife Turning Point holds the greatest of gifts  The opportunity to take a step back, listen to your inner voice, and come out stronger for it!

In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we speak with Kate Billing, one of New Zealand’s leading voices on gender equity and leadership development. Our conversation goes beyond the typical mid-life crisis narrative to explore the power of self-awareness and personal growth, as well as why it’s so important to challenge yourself even when times are tough. 

Kate tells us why embracing a sense of risk is necessary for true transformation, and how ultimately it can lead to greater happiness and purpose in life. We also discuss the importance of having a strong support network, and why seeking out help from others can be an incredibly valuable tool for navigating midlife.

Mid-life should not be a time of fear and confusion – it IS an incredible opportunity to explore who you are, and DECIDE what the next chapter of your life will look like. So join us for this incredible episode where we know you are going to walk away with invaluable tips for transforming your mid-life journey!


  • Kate’s journey to becoming who she is today (03:18)
  • The turning point of mid-life (06:06)
  • The positive side of letting go (09:59)
  • The sad truth about the struggles of a woman (13:22)
  • The stereotypes that come with ageing (19:02)
  • Others’ perception of a middle-aged woman (24:42)
  • The power of loving yourself as you are (30:48)
  • The responsibility of stepping into adulthood (32:31)
  • Overcoming the challenges faced by woman in the workplace (37:08)
  • Learning to become a better human (43:43)
  • Things that inspire Kate (49:47)
  • The importance of understanding the human mind (54:54)
  • Kate’s most important message to everyone (59:40)

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“Learn how to suffer better through this time, because you will emerge the version of yourself you were always meant to be.” -Kate Billing

“We’re not what we were, but we’re not what we will be.” -Kate Billing

We don’t give zero f^cks; we just get intentional about who and where we place them – Kate Billing

We need to embrace the work and slay our demons even whilst we feel to be losing our anchors, and occasionally our minds  – Jacqueline Nagle


Raise 1000 Voices Episode 007: Claim Your True Purpose By Acknowledging Who You Truly Are with Julie Cross

The Golden Girls
Quit by Annie Duke 
Team human by Douglas Rushkoff
Ryan Holiday



Kate Billing is one of New Zealand’s leading voices on gender equity and leadership development. Her work focuses on GROWING LEADERSHIP CAPACITY to meet the challenges and opportunities of the new reality of life and work.

For over 25 years, Kate has worked in the people, culture and leadership space building a reputation for sharp insights, compassionate challenge, warmth and energy. Her work draws on both timeless and leading edge thinking from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, chronobiology, anthropology, and philosophy all combined with a healthy dose of lived experience.

Kate’s facilitated, deep development experiences enable leaders to become the people they need to and want to be, individually and collectively: people who are examples of what’s possible when we commit to deep levels of authenticity, humanity and responsibility in the ways that we live, lead and work.

Kate’s invitation to you: “Don’t let who you’re being get in the way of who you could become and the work that version of you could do in the world.”


Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast. If the information in any of our conversations and interviews has helped you in your business journey, please head over to Apple Podcasts, click the 3 dots in the top right corner of your smartphone screen, follow the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver valuable content but will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!


If you’re a woman wanting to step into the full power of her voice, her work and her perspective, book a 20 Minute Visibility Breakthrough Call.

We’ll work together to identify:

  • What stops you from stepping into the full power of your voice 
  • Identify where you should be playing and how to play there to get what you want 
  • Identify your next best moves in the Visibility Breakthrough Canvas 

Click here to book your complimentary Visibility Breakthrough Call