December 19, 2022

009: Why You MUST Become A New AND Better Version Of Yourself with Stacey Currie

In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we have a no holds barred conversation on why you must become a new and better version of yourself with Stacey Currie.

Become a new and better version of yourself

CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains words or language that may be considered offensive by some.

In this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast, we have a no holds barred conversation on why you must become a new and better version of yourself with Stacey Currie.

Stacey’s story truly is one of defying the odds.  Taken away from her mother as a baby, having experienced childhood sexual assault, getting pregnant as a teenager, falling into in an abusive relationship, and growing up in a dysfunctional set-up, it was more or less expected by society and authorities that she would ‘never amount to anything’  

And yet Stacey managed to claw her way out of every single one of her experiences, fighting for survival driven by a deep determination she wanted her children to have a better life – even though, as you will hear, she had no idea what a ‘better life’ was or meant. 

She is fiercely passionate about the responsibility we must take as parents; understanding who we are and the decisions we make will always have an impact on the next generation – our children. And you will discover just why she is so passionate about it, the choices she had to make, and how it saved the lives of her eldest sons.  

Now a successful businesswoman, Stacey is committed to being an inspiration to others who are going through dramatic and traumatic life experiences. Her story is proof that you can pursue the impossible, you can feel empowered and you can become a new and better version of yourself. 


  • Stacey’s background and the kind of life she had in the first 20 years (04:20)
  • The impact of recognising she’s in an abusive/dysfunctional relationship (14:15) 
  • Taking inspiration from women who had the same stories as her (25:15)
  • When did Stacey learn that she loves stories (29:23)
  • The big leap and shifting gear to becoming a multi-millionaire businesswoman (31:08)
  • The effects of people’s judgments on her business and family life (40:35)
  • Why it’s critical for parents to take responsibility and make a difference in their children’s lives (47:45)
  • Stacey’s go-to healing books and dealing with traumatic experiences (52:39)
  • Worst and best piece of advice she got in her journey (53:32)
  • Her advice for people who want to succeed (55:37)



“When you’re living in domestic violence, your kids suffer, but when you leave, the trauma is ongoing.” -Stacey Currie

“Be yourself but be intentional with who you want to be.” -Stacey Currie

“Constructive feedback is well and good as long as it comes from a place of love from the person you’re speaking to.” -Jacqueline Nagle


Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Erin Brockovich

Crowded House



Stacey Currie, a respected businesswoman raised in housing commission accommodation with an absent mum, Stacey experienced child sexual assault. By 14, she was living in a shed. At 15 she was pregnant. At 19, she had two kids and was homeless. Called on to make big changes when all she knew was battling, and welfare, figuring out goals, and making a ‘new life’ seemed impossible.

Yet she did!

Which is why Stacey is committed to sharing insights to empower audiences to embrace change, unlock courage and pursue the impossible. Stacey has appeared on TV shows such as the Today Show, 7.30 Report and 60 Minutes to share her against-the-odds life story. She has been featured in many newspapers and magazines, such as BRW, The Age and The Herald Sun. 

Today, Stacey is a keynote speaker, successful businesswoman, author, ambassador, mother of five and inspiration to thousands of people who have adopted her life lessons.


Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Raise 1000 Voices podcast. If the information in any of our conversations and interviews has helped you in your business journey, please head over to Apple Podcasts, click the 3 dots in the top right corner of your smartphone screen, follow the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver valuable content but will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!  



If you’re a woman wanting to step into the full power of her voice, her work and her perspective, book a 20 Minute Visibility Breakthrough Call.

We’ll work together to identify:

  • What stops you from stepping into the full power of your voice 
  • Identify where you should be playing and how to play there to get what you want 
  • Identify your next best moves in the Visibility Breakthrough Canvas 

Click here to book your complimentary Visibility Breakthrough Call