I don’t think you’re a misfit…I think you may be a Consultant

DATE: January 12, 2021

BY: Jacqueline Nagle

I don't think you're a misfit...I think you may be a Consultant

I am OVER the Covid headlines, the push to leverage the great pivot, and everything that seems to have come with communications and marketing heading out of 2020. 

know the google monsters rank you higher and send you further if your content has the keywords flourishing in every chunk, but mother of god – you tell me to be unique then try to smash me into an SEO driven box to ‘get my message’ out? 

And then I realised that my experience of (lets call it) Covid Era Marketing mirrored almost exactly my experience in the last four years in business. A quietly escalating need to scream out loud at the boxes I was being forced into. 

Being pushed and cajoled into the deeply contemplative boxes of thought leadership; being convinced that only large scale content driven coaching programs could deliver commercial success; and getting caught in the brutal washing machine that is the start-up world which has glamorised tech hustle and grind.

None of which are wrong. Just all of which are wrong for me. And maybe for you. The keys for me – and I share them in case they resonate for you – showed up when I realised I simply did not want to pivot my existing business into a virtual derivative. Because:

  • I knew exactly what to do for every one of my private clients when Covid hit – and every single one of them needed a different strategy, a different perspective, a different future vision. It was hard core, bespoke, rapid fire strategy, and I loved it.
  • My brand, SpeakableYOU, boxed me into speaker trainer; it was only when you got into my world you discovered it didn’t matter what you put on the table business wise I could help you; if I pivoted it to a defined virtual niche then I risked losing the work I love the most – strengthening commercial positioning and opportunity for clever people
  • When one of my private clients needed intense help to leave her job, successfully fight a supreme court injunction and launch a multi-million dollar start-up I knew what to do and how to find who she needed. Fast.
  • When a redefinition of casual employment was introduced to a legislative bill which would create significant impact for an entire sector I was able to resurrect work from 16 years ago, reshape it, and work out a way to use it to eliminate risk and dominate the market.  
  • When realising the greatest success across my clients was when they arrived in my world with rich experience, deep expertise in a total state of exhaustion from trying to fit the accepted models for success
  • When I realised that what all of us have in common is that we LOVE THE WORK; we love being in it; we love constant collaborative iteration; we love finding new ways to solve wicked problems using what we already know
  • That this is why thought leadership and coaching funnels and traditional businesses in their own right don’t fit. Because we thrive in the unknown at the collision of art and science and knowledge and frameworks.

Because what I am at heart, and always will be, is a Consultant and Advisor. And it takes a different approach to create commercial success.

And that is exactly where I am going to take you in the weeks and months to come. Down a very clear pathway to generating Commercial Success for Professionals, Consultants and Advisors based on my own experience building 6, 7 and 8 figure Consultancies for the last 20 years. 

With love,

Jacqueline x