
We believe in the empowerment of women starts with economic empowerment, at the micro (individual) level, and that this starts with vocal empowerment.


We believe in the empowerment of women starts with economic empowerment, at the micro (individual) level, and that this starts with vocal empowerment.


We’re a tight knit team who believe small rooms ignite big possibilities. We’re a little zealous about spoken word content and the power to change your world through the things you say. As a brand, we’re two years old, with foundations steeped in the more than two decades experience our founder brings to the table.  We’ve worked with thousands of people across Australia, New Zealand & the USA and in April 2022 we shifted our focus to working predominantly with Women – because when women find their voice, the whole world changes.

The AGT Pillars

Our Story

Any Given Tuesday is inspired by a reading our Founder came across in April 2021 about marriage – speaking to how a successful marriage starts life in celebration; a day, a weekend where there is joy and a focus on love; where you are the centre of attention, ideas and dreams; and laughter and hope abounds.

But successful marriages come down to the ability to still show up and love each other on any Tuesday; when the noise has quietened, dreams are threatened, and doubt stills our peace.

Which is exactly how success is created.

Great ideas abound; the ability to do something with those ideas, to bring them to life, takes more than lightbulb moments and passionate conversations. It is about having the ability to show up even when you don’t want to. It is about strength of mind, technical skill and commercial savvy.

But beyond this, it requires connection and influence; it means building the skills to influence the world immediately surrounding you – to be able to get what you want through the words that you use.

To have the skills to do what you need to do on Any Given Tuesday.

Macte Virtute et Litteris – to grow in character and learning.

What We Believe

We believe the empowerment of women starts with economic empowerment, at the micro (individual) level, and that this starts with vocal empowerment.

We believe in the power of words and hold close the Hebrew origins of Abracadabra – we create what we speak

We believe in speaking with strength, power and grace and lead by example in everything we do

We believe in redefining the power of women through the collective expression of lived and worked experience

We are women first, not women only. We know to be great women we need great men, and we stand with and beside the great, regardless of gender

We are generous in our assumptions, firm in our boundaries and committed to incremental improvement in all that we do

Our Founder, Jacqueline Nagle

A Fifth Generation Entrepreneur with a fiercely strategic brain who holds the global designation of Certified Speaking Professional, a qualified Executive Coach and Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Jacqueline brings her unique lens on navigating relentless change, opportunity and crisis to her work as a speaker, educator and trusted advisor from the start up trenches to the C-Suite.   Jacqueline’s strength is anchored in teaching others how to reposition themselves through the power of language and she has personally coached and trained 1000’s of entrepreneurs, experts and difference makers in Australia and the USA to step into their power through speaking – by sharing her proprietary frameworks which underpin her client’s success, creating speaking-centric breakthroughs that ensure they are seen, heard, remembered and paid.

The 2023 Any Giving Tuesday Charity Lunch

We believe in giving back, being more, and elevating those that continue to do work on the frontlines of some of the most at risk parts of our world – and in our own neighbourhoods. Our signature event, now in its second year, will be supporting the work of The Forgotten Women, a charity on a mission to change the lives of homeless women over 55. A unique, grassroots housing initiative, the project’s mission is to put a roof over the heads of as many vulnerable women as possible through the acquisition of suitable properties allowing them to age, safely, in place.